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Country: USA
Title: Surfers Journal
1st Issue: 1992
Last Issue: 158 plus 7 yearbooks as of October/November 2021.
Number of Issues Produced: Still in production
Magazine Web Site:
Comments: Volume 1-8 only 4 per year. Volume 9-13 just 5 per year. Since then 6 per year. Includes 8 years volumes of 1-8 hard back publications. Congratulations to Steve and Debbie Pezman on delivering the first and only subscriber based surf magazine world wide that even a pandemic can not effect. Lucky for me I have been able to get nearly all surf magazines worldwide sent to me as they are produced and the only one I consistently subscribe to is this SJ mag. My collection of these mags are brand new and not one issue has been even thumbed through. All are as they arrived in the mail. I hope Steve in his retirement is loving his campervan and Mexico waves.